The film gets its title from Parkland Memorial Hospital, where Kennedy was taken after being shot. USA Today recently premiered five pictures from the film, which stars Paul Giamatti as Abraham Zapruder, the man with the camera, Colin Hanks, Jeremy Strong as Lee Harvey Oswald, Zac Efron as a rookie doctor, Billy Bob Thornton as Forrest Sorrels, the head of Dallas’ Secret Service office, Jacki Weaver as Oswald’s mother Marguerite and Marcia Gay Harden as the head nurse in the trauma room. Kennedy focusing on ordinary people caught up in extraordinary circumstances. The film recounts the events surrounding the assassination of John F. theatrical release date through Exclusive Media’s distribution label, Exclusive Releasing. Parkland, the feature directorial debut of Peter Landesman, will premiere at the Toronto Film Festival next month and it recently secured a September 20 U.S.